Empowering Working Women

I'm dedicated to supporting working women in managing their PCOD condition and achieving sustainable weight loss through my effective OHP technique.

In this personalized one-on-one strategy call, I will work with you to uncover the underlying causes of your PCOD condition and provide you with a customized blueprint to overcome it and achieve your weight loss goals. Together, we'll explore proven strategies and techniques to help you take control of your health and transform your life. Let's work together to make your PCOD journey a success.

What You’ll Get in This One to One Strategy Call

#1 Common Mistakes during Weight Loss

During our time together, I'll share with you common pitfalls that 90% of people encounter during their weight loss journey. These mistakes often lead to regaining the weight once they return to their normal lifestyle. 

#2 Reason Why You Faced This Challenge

I will work with you to uncover the underlying causes of the health challenges you are currently facing. Together, we'll explore factors such as lifestyle habits, diet, stress, and other potential contributing factors.

#3. Clarity Of The Way Forward

I'll provide you with a clear understanding of the OHP technique and how it can support your health transformation journey. Additionally, we'll explore the four key pillars of health that we'll address throughout your journey with us.

Know Your Coach- Harshit Arora

Hello, I'm Harshit Arora, and for the past two years, I've had the privilege of working with hundreds of clients to correct lifestyle disorders such as PCOD and support them in leading a healthier lifestyle through my Optimum Health Program. With my guidance and support, my clients have achieved lasting health transformations and established sustainable habits for long-term success. I'm passionate about helping working women take control of their health and reach their full potential.

I am a PCOD Management Expert and I believe "Prevention is better than cure". Let's work together to make your health goals a reality.

Earlier, I had various health issues like thyroid and obesity and was on a number of medications. During the program, I lost 16 kilos in a span of 5 months and got rid of major portion of my medicines. My overall energy levels and stamina has increased in the process.

Earlier I felt fatigued, had hormonal imbalances and felt sleepy throughout the day. I was also eating a lot but not gaining energy. After joining the optimum health program, I could observe changes from first week itself in terms of feeling light and active throughout the day and better control on my food cravings. I lost 8 kg in 3 months and gained strength. I am also able to practice yoga now.

Earlier I had gained weight after marriage and as a result developed certain lifestyle disorders, after doing the optimum health program I have been able to reduce 7 kg with drastic reductions in my body measurements, increased energy levels and lifestyle challenges rectified.

Still, Wondering If the Program is for YOU ?

The answer is simple. If you're looking to lose weight and take control of your PCOD condition, the Optimum Health Program is the most effective way to achieve results. Our program is carefully crafted to provide powerful, immediate results from the first week, along with a range of additional health benefits in the months that follow. With our comprehensive approach to health and wellness, you'll receive the support and guidance you need to reach your full potential and establish lasting, healthy habits. Let's get started on your journey to optimal health today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will my health conditions or injuries be taken into account in my program?

We understand that every individual's health journey is unique, and we take a personalized approach to ensure that your program is tailored to your specific needs and circumstances. We will work with you to identify any health conditions or injuries that may impact your program and create a customized plan that accounts for these factors. Our goal is to support your health and wellbeing in a way that is safe, effective, and sustainable for you. 

How much time will be required to get the desired results ?

The amount of time required to achieve your desired results depends on several factors, including your starting point, goals, and individual circumstances. However, our comprehensive approach to health and wellness is designed to provide powerful, immediate results from the first week, with additional benefits to follow in the months ahead. We will work with you to establish achievable goals and provide ongoing support and guidance throughout your program.

I prefer to eat traditional Indian food. Will my program require me to eat fancy, unfamiliar foods?

"No, not at all. At OHP, we believe in helping you develop a conscious approach to eating and creating a sustainable lifestyle that you can maintain for the long term. Our nutrition plan prioritizes ease of execution and practicality, making it easy for you to integrate healthy eating habits into your daily routine. Our goal is to provide you with the knowledge, tools, and support you need to make informed choices about your nutrition and establish healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

Do I need to go to the gym to achieve results?

No, it is not necessary to go to the gym to achieve your health and fitness goals. At OHP, we believe in taking a holistic approach to health that incorporates a variety of physical activities tailored to your individual needs and preferences.Our goal is to help you establish a sustainable exercise routine that works for you, and supports your overall health and wellbeing.

How will you track my progress during the program?

We understand that tracking progress is an important aspect of achieving your health goals. That's why we use a variety of tools and techniques to monitor your progress throughout the program. We will start by conducting a thorough assessment of your health and fitness levels to establish a baseline for your progress. From there, we will track your progress regularly and adjust your program as needed to ensure that you stay on track and achieve the results you desire.

Will there be calls involved in my coaching ?

Yes, coaching will include regular calls. During these sessions, we will review your progress, discuss any challenges or concerns you may have, and provide you with strategies and tools to help you achieve your goals.

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